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Light and Shadow
Franci Neely, founder of the Franci Neely Foundation and Houston-based lawyer and philanthropist

Franci Neely

Lawyer & Philanthropist

Franci Neely is a lawyer and philanthropist in Houston with a passion for community, art, and fundraising. She graduated from the University of Texas at Austin School of Law with high honors and went on to practice law for more than 20 years, specifically in business litigation. Until retiring from active practice, Neely represented corporate legal interests as a partner at Susman Godfrey, LLP. Now, Neely is dedicating her life to volunteer work that makes a difference.

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Franci Neely Foundation

The Franci Neely Foundation is an independent non-profit foundation based in Houston, Texas.

Established in 1999, the foundation gives donations primarily for higher education and the arts.


Franci Neely Press

Neely's tenured law career and philanthropic initiatives as the founder of The Franci Neely Foundation place her in various press. Find recent interviews and op-eds below.

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